Zimbabwe: Chisumbanje community gets drip irrigation plot-allAfrica.com

2021-12-13 18:53:52 By : Mr. harry Li

The Chisumbanje community has acquired drip irrigation plots to promote their agricultural activities in the area. This development aims to complement the government's efforts to ensure food security and nutrition.

Chisumbanje belongs to Ecological Zone 5 and receives erratic rainfall during the rainy season.

Approximately 94 families have acquired an acre of land, and each family comes from Green Fuels, which has a modern drip irrigation system.

Green Fuels has decided to develop and hand over 10% of all land developed by it to benefit the community in the form of irrigated plots.

At the handover ceremony, Nokuthula Matsikenyere, Minister of State for Affairs and Decentralization of Manikaran Province, stated that the irrigation system will increase the productivity of the region.

"I understand that food security in the region has been compromised," she said.

"Therefore, we thank and celebrate Green Fuel for stepping up the development of this irrigation plan, which will promote agricultural economic development, food production and food security.

"As far as I know, the company has decided to develop and transfer 10% of all the land it develops in the form of irrigated plots for the benefit of the community."

Minister Matsikenyere stated that so far, at least one plot has been allocated to 1,313 households, making the green fuel-supported irrigation scheme the largest irrigation scheme in the country.

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Minister Matsikenyere said that these plots will allow individuals to sustain themselves, their families and communities throughout the year.

She added that these plots will significantly increase the number of farmers benefiting from the plan and the number of hectares of community irrigated land developed and maintained at the company's cost.

Chipinge South legislator Cde Enock Porusingazi praised the plan and urged the community to use the plots for their benefit.

"We are the only community in Zimbabwe that started using drip irrigation, and others are waiting for the rain. This is a huge development, and we urge the community to create businesses from this project," he said.

Green Fuel Public Relations Manager Merit Rumema said that they are providing more land to others in the community.

"This is a huge milestone, and we know that more people still need access to land. I want to thank the community and urge them to consider agriculture as a business.

“The locals have done a lot through these plots. I encourage you to unite and work together as a family so that we can get good returns,” she said.

Community leaders and senior government officials participated in the event.

Read the original article in the Herald.

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