Learn Plumbing or HVAC In Two Evenings a Week | Features | thepilot.com

2022-08-08 10:49:17 By : Mr. Lewis Feng

A mix of clouds and sun. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 91F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph..

Partly cloudy. Low 72F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph.

Aerial view of Sandhills Community College. David Sinclair/The Pilot

Aerial view of Sandhills Community College. David Sinclair/The Pilot

Sandhills Community College has been providing our region of the state with a steady stream of trades professionals for nearly 60 years. These valuable em­ployees have found that an outstanding career doesn’t require years of schooling and debt that takes decades to pay off. Plus, most have job offers upon completion of the class.

The ability to install and repair heating and air conditioning units is a job that is in high demand in the Sandhills and in all of North Carolina. According to careeronestop.org, the median wage in this area of the state is $43,060, with salaries ranging as high as $57,880.

“HVAC Level 1” begins on Aug. 15. This two evening a week class introduces students to HVAC, trade mathematics, basic electricity, air distribution systems, basic copper and plastic piping practices, soldering and brazing, and basic carbon steel piping practices. Held on Mondays and Wednesdays, Aug. 15-Dec. 14, from 6-9:30 p.m., at the Larry Caddell Training Center, in Carthage, this class will cost $211.50 plus the cost of the text. Scholarships are available for this class.

“HVAC Level II” will cover alternating current, compressors, refrigerants and oils, leak detection evacuation recovery and charging, metering devices, heat pumps, basic maintenance, chimneys vents and flues, sheet metal duct systems, fiberglass and fabric duct systems, commercial airside systems, air quality equipment, and introduction to hydronic systems. Scholarships are available for this class. The prerequisite for this class is “HVAC Level 1.” Held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Aug. 16-Dec. 15, from 6-10 p.m., at the Larry Caddell Training Center, in Carthage; this class will cost $211.50 plus the cost of the text. Scholarships are available for this class.

Plumbing is another quick training job that pays very well in the Sandhills. The annual median wage is $36,630, with the high end of the salary range at $50,400, according to careeronestop.org.

“Plumbing Level 1” will introduce students to the plumbing profession, plumbing safety, tools of the plumbing trade, plumbing math, plumbing drawings, plastic pipe and fittings, copper pipe and fittings, cast-iron pipe and fittings, steel pipe and fittings, plumbing fixtures, introduction to drain, waste, and vent (DWV) systems, and introduction to water distribution systems. Held on Mondays and Wednesdays, Aug. 15-Dec. 14, from 6-9:30 p.m., at the Larry Caddell Training Center, in Carthage, this class will cost $211.50 plus the cost of the text. Scholarships are available for this class.

These Continuing Education classes do not require an application. Call (910) 695-3980 for information or to register.

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